australian citizenship
australian citizenship

A big thank you for dedicating your time to read my story, because this is MY STORY, and I’m proud of it.

Welcome Business Builder! 

My name is Pat Racco, and I specialise in Digital Marketing for B2B, like your business.

Precisely, I design tailored marketing strategies for my clients and help them grow.

My methods work in 100% of the cases. I have no doubts I can improve your business results, not only quickly, painlessly and easily but also for free.

I’m not expecting you to believe me, especially the ‘FREE‘ part, but please, keep reading…

Let me tell you about me first...

My aeroplane took off from Milan and landed to Brisbane, Australia on the 28th of March 2013.

My luggage had all but working skills and just enough knowledge of the English language to order a short black. At the time, the only person I knew was my wife, who came with me.

We had no network at all, and believe it or not, we opened a bank account and deposited 10 bucks in it.

We weren’t poor. We just decided that if we wanted to start a new life, it had to be from scratch.

I bounced from place to place in search of occupation, while my engineering double-degree seemed not paving the path as I hoped.
I had to accept some of the most underpaid and humblest jobs available.

After a very long day of hard work, you just want to go home, have dinner and chill. 

No, it wasn’t like that for my wife and I…

We almost couldn’t see each other as I mostly worked really early in the morning or late in the night, while she usually used to work during the day. After work or in between shifts, we had to go buy groceries, wash clothes, cook and keep our room clean. Yes, our room; we shared an apartment for over 1.5 years with another guy.

Today I’m thankful for all that because it forced me out of my comfort zone; exactly where I needed to be.

It would have been easier to keep the job at Cafe 176, in Montague rd. in mid-2014. For the first time of my life, somebody offered me a real working contract, with holidays and all that. I could pay rent and enjoy some dinners out with my wife. But I knew something was wrong.

One day, an habitué who loved my double shot cappuccino, said he needed some work on his website. I offered him to do the job for free, right after work, as his office was just above the coffee shop. Furthermore, web work was my passion.

And so we did. When the job was done, he insisted on paying me. For a few hours job, he gave me the equivalent of 2 weeks of salary at the café. 

This was a pivoting event which taught me two things:

  1. I have some knowledge people find extremely valuable
  2. If I wanted to change my life, I needed to meet more people and talk to them face-to-face

In the following days, the burning desire of succeeding was killing me from the inside. I needed to start my business, no matter what.

Being busy at the coffee machine and mopping floors didn’t quite help to develop my network very much, but just enough to see some light in the dark I was about to enter.

Sometime later I resigned, leaving my supervisor jaw-dropped.

In April 2015 I started my own digital marketing business. After the first 12 months, my turnover was just above $11,000. But I did not give up.

I kept adding value and meeting people. I quintupled my income within the following 12 months.

Advantage Media has kept growing nicely, and still today my main clients are the same people as in 2014.

In 3 years, I was able to build a

six-figure business

out of nothing.

However, I don’t know exactly what is my profession, and I always struggle when I’m asked “job” when filling out forms. I guess the best would be marketing strategist. In reality, I’m just a guy who knows a lot about digital marketing and is really passionate about it.

I learned that I can help businesses make clarity with their messed up marketing.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking:

“This is a bunch of BS, I don’t believe this guy who came from nowhere and with nothing. He’s just another guy who claims his success to the world; he shows a private jet and expects me to buy it.”

Look, I don’t own a Lamborghini or a private jet and I never will. I got better plans for my money (like building a future for my little daughter Giorgia). I have a mortgage and a nice second-hand car. Nothing fancy, really.

I’m not here writing this to convince you to believe my words. I know it’s a lost cause as my chances are -1.

But I’m a great believer that one should trust more his gut. So, if you feel I’m wasting your time, this is my official invitation to leave this page. You should be spending some quality time elsewhere, like Netflix, and here’s the link:

On the other hand, if you decide to stay on this page, I promise I will help you grow your business.


Now please, meditate on this for a second: how hard is it to get somebody to give you money?

I’m not talking about selling your rocking chair on Gumtree.

Imagine you tell somebody you can do something for him or her, and this person doesn’t know you at all.

How hard is it not just to get him to believe you can actually do what you promise, but also to give you money; real hard-earned money?

You know the answer, but I want to tell you anyway: it’s nearly impossible.

Coca-Cola was founded on the 29th of January 1892. In 2018, 126 years after, they spent $4 billion to remind people they exist. It’s about 50% of their operating income. If Coca-Cola needs to remind people about Coca-Cola, what the hell should I do to get a little real estate in someone’s mind??

I’ve been thinking about this for ages. Today I believe it’s easier than I thought it was. 

What really makes an impact is when you give and expect nothing back.

Giving for free helped me build trust with those people who didn’t know if I could solve their problems. I took the gambling factor out of the game for my clients.

My simple successful recipe:



FACT: People who work with me succeed because of the most obvious reason: I do for their business what works for mine.

⚠️ But I made an unforgivable mistake ⚠️

I never asked my clients to leave
a public feedback on my work 🤦

Today, I’m trying to amend this negligence, but I know that a review wouldn’t be as hot as it would be right after delivering an amazing job.

"Working with Pat is always an absolute pleasure! He is innovative, experienced and incredibly knowledgeable. His diverse skill set allow him to approach your objectives from a variety of creative approaches. I could not recommend him enough!!"
cristina sword
Cristina Sword
Founder Arrow Agency - Brisbane

I can’t even think what review I could have gotten from Kabana Shop, when my campaign sold $20,000 of garments in a single day, on Boxing Day!

I realised people (including me!) rely so much on others’ feedback that you can’t not have them…you just cannot!

So today, October 21, 2024, I decided to get back to my original strategy, give value for free so people can get to know me in person, before they decide to work with me, on a paid scenario.

It really worked well for me at the time I was moving away from the coffee shop and starting my business.

I need to build credibility, that’s why I do this for FREE.

It makes perfect sense to me. When you pay for a service, you don’t want it to be a lottery. And to demonstrate my future clients it won’t be a lottery, I need genuine reviews.

So today, I ask you to pick a date on your calendar and schedule half an hour with me, in person or on Zoom; either way will be perfectly fine. All absolutely free of charge, no commitments of any form or shape, no signatures, no BS.

However, I feel wiser today, I listen more and I constantly look out for feedback, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter, as long as it helps me improve. In exchange, I’ll give you the very best of my digital marketing knowledge.

I’ve heard many people saying:”When you give away stuff at a very low price or for free, they perceive it as low quality.”

I’d reply: “How about we listen to the sound of silence, I have been told it’s quite pleasing.”

Why You Should Consider this...SERIOUSLY!

  • I'll analyse your current marketing strategy from all angles
  • I'll show you how to eat your COMPETITION alive!
  • find where you're MISSING OUT on OPPORTUNITIES
  • I'll give you access to some marketing secrets only known by less than 1% of marketers
  • find out where you are WASTING MONEY on Facebook ads (if you run Facebook ads, you're burning money!)
  • full website's health check (valued at over $1,000)
  • complete SEO check-up + BONUS: give you up to 5 keywords you should start using yesterday!
  • requires little to NO WORK on your end
  • no cost for you

See what's in the Marketing Strategy (you'll get all)

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